有關: have sth. to do with; have a ...稅: tax; duty; tallage; due的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...論據: grounds of argument; argumen ...没有关税的: tariffless定性的论据: qualitative facts诡辩的论据: glib arguments excuses etc无力的论据: a feeble argument attempt gesture excuse严密的论据: a closelyknit argumentt有力的论据: enforcement合逻辑的论据: a logical argument conclusion启发式的论据: heuristic最有力的论据: best card关税的负担: incidence of duty关税的估定: valuation for customs purpose关税的课征: imposition of duties; imposition of duty关税的异议: customs protest可征关税的: customable应交关税的: dutiable应课关税的: dutiable应纳关税的: dutiable合乎情理的论据: a legitimate argument reason case etc令人信服的论据: convincing argument确信自己的论据: sure of one's facts似乎有理的论据: a plausible argument