Each student will be responsible for two short papers on the material from the two units not included in his / her presentation 每個學生必須針對未報告的兩個單元撰寫兩篇簡短論文。
未: did not; have not報告: report; make known; inform的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...未报告的火灾: unreported fire未报告的核物质: unreported nuclear material招致但未报告的损失: incurred but not reported losses未报未报告: not reported报告的: reportorial已发生未报告: i rincurredbutnotreported; ibnr incurred but not reported报告的程序: procedures for reporting报告的格式: formats报告的日期: date of report报告的事宜: reporting event报告的种类: typesoreportss被报告的: the first cases of the current aids epidemic were reported财政报告的: financial-report可报告的: reportable应报告的: notifiable应该报告的: reportable值得报告的: reportable报告的可比性: reporting comparability打小报告的人: squealer需报告的肇事: reportable accident报告的写作要求: writingrequirements报告的正文部分: the body of the report