The first step is as good as half over 第一步是最關鍵的一步。
第一: first; primary; foremost; fi ...步: pace; step是: Semantics最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...關鍵: hinge; key; crux; linchpin; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...一步: single-step迈出第一步是最艰难的: the first steis the only difficulty向善的第一步是不作恶: the higher standing the lower fall第一步: first steps; le premier pas; step one手术的第一步是把骨头接上: the first stage of the operation was to join up the bones一步: single-step 短語和例子 領先一步 keep one step ahead; 前進一步 make a step forward; 我們已向成功邁進一步。 we have made a step towards success. 每走一步水就更深。 the water was deeper at every step横跨的一步: sidestep遥远的一步: one step too far第一步足: first foot跨栏第一步: getaway stride迈出第一步: take the first step迈错第一步: start on the wrong foot重构第一步: the first stein refactoring巧妙的一步棋: a clever move开键步后的一步: step after key step迈出重要的一步: make an important step第一步:亮度、对比度调节: brightness and contrast adjustment第一步炮眼充填: first-stage perforation pack跨出成功的第一步: get one's foot on the ladder