邁出第一步: make the first step是: Semantics最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...艱難: difficult; hard; arduous的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...迈出第一步: take the first step第一步是最关键的一步: you never know your luck最艰难的部分: crux pitch最艰难的改革: toughest reform最艰难的情况: extremely arduous conditions我所做过最艰难的事: the hardest thing i"ve ever done以右肢出第一步: right lead以左肢出第一步: left lead向善的第一步是不作恶: the higher standing the lower fall仍得通过其中最艰难的山口: white pass艰难的: arduous; burdensome; difficult; formidable; hard; severe; strait迈出一步: take a step手术的第一步是把骨头接上: the first stage of the operation was to join up the bones迈出重要一步: make an important step; take an important stforward(艰难的)站起来: get on one’s feet爱是艰难的: love is difficult艰难的尝试: make effort艰难的度过: struggle through艰难的局势: bad situation艰难的旅途: hard road to travel