以: use; take左: the left side; the left肢: limb出: used as a complement第一: first; primary; foremost; fi ...步: pace; step以右肢出第一步: right lead迈出第一步: take the first step迈出第一步是最艰难的: the first steis the only difficulty退出第一线: withdraw from the front line写出第一个: hello world第一步: first steps; le premier pas; step one出第一张唱片: make the first record以左: lead with one's left/right第一步足: first foot跨栏第一步: getaway stride迈错第一步: start on the wrong foot重构第一步: the first stein refactoring主模块送出第一个检测包: poll第一步是最关键的一步: you never know your luck第一步:亮度、对比度调节: brightness and contrast adjustment第一步炮眼充填: first-stage perforation pack跨出成功的第一步: get one's foot on the ladder这还只是第一步呢: don't get too comfortable)(从队列中移出第一个元素,并返回应元素: array.shift