蔗: sugarcane種: species出苗: emerge; come out; germinate; ...出苗: [農業] (of seedlings) emerge; come out; germinate; sprout◇出苗率 rate of emergence; rate of germination; 出苗期 seeding stage出苗率: rate of emergence出苗期: period of emergence; season of emergence; time of emergence出苗前: pre emergence; preemergence甘蔗种植田: cane field瞎眼蔗种: blind seed播种出版社: posev publishing house各种出血证: various kinds of bleeding胚种出口: germ exit特种出版物: special publication有种出来: come out if you are not a coward有种出来!: Come out if you are not a coward!瞎眼蔗种 死种子: blindseed出苗后喷雾: post-emergence spraying出苗前耕作: pre-emergence tillage出苗前喷雾: pre-emergence spraying出苗前喷药: pre-emergence spray出苗前松土: blind cultivation出苗与生长: emergence and growth出苗整齐: the seedlings come out evenly看出苗头: have discovered some clues; have seen a sign (of sth.); have got the scent of sth.; have felt the pulse; have found out which way the wind blows; have smelt a rat尚未出苗: no seedlings