維: tie up; hold together; link告訴: tell complain; accuse我: I; my; me愛: love是: Semantics什么: what告诉我爱的意义是什么: teaching me the meaning of love告诉我它是什么: tell me what is it告诉我,是什么致使爱破裂: tell me what want broke告诉我你想要的是什么(法语): dis moi ce que tu veux你能告诉我这是什么吗: can you tell me what this is请告诉我这是什么意思: just tell me what it means爱是什么: what is this thing called love; what love is; what's love严禁不该告诉我爱是盲目的: no - dont tell me love is blind告诉我为什么: tell me why我想知道爱是什么: i want to know what love is告诉我这是什麽: cam you tell me what this is告诉我爱的真相: tell me the truth of love告诉我爱的真谛: show me what love is - haven't got a clue告诉我爱情的真相: tell me the truth about love老板在耳旁咆哮着告诉我我应该是什么样: boss screamin′ in my ear about who i′m supposed to be告诉我你看到什么: tell me what do you see告诉我你想什么: penny for your thoughts; ts告诉我你想要什么: tell me what you want告诉我你想做什么: tell me what you wanna do