- Be a crack jackanapes
*扮成調皮的頑童* - Outflings my lord stephen, giving the cry, and a tag and bobtail of all them after, cockerel, jackanapes, welsher, pilldoctor, punctual bloom at heels with a universal grabbing at headgear, ashplants, bilbos, panama hats and scabbards, zermatt alpenstocks and what not
那群幫腔的也一起跟在后面:有血氣方剛的,頑劣的,賴債的,庸醫,還有一本正經的布盧姆。大家分別攥著帽子?木手杖比爾博劍295巴拿馬帽和劍鞘采爾馬特登山杖296等等。 - It's difficult to find jackanapeses in a sentence. 用jackanapeses造句挺難的