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  • pedagogical content knowledge


  • That is , the knowledge frame of teacher is made up of eight parts : subject matter knowledge , curriculum knowledge , general pedagogical knowledge , pedagogical content knowledge , knowledge of learners , knowledge of self , knowledge of contexts and knowledge of educational ends and values . with regard to the sources of teacher knowledge , teachers " " teaching experience and rethinking of self and " daily intercommunion with colleagues " are the most important source teachers develop their teaching knowledge of self . " the training on service " and " organized professional activities " are more important source , but in comparison with above sources " the experiences as a student " , " training beforce service " and " reading professional books and periodicals " are less important sources
    研究得到的主要結論是,提出并闡明了教師知識的理論框架結構模型,即教師的知識結構是由八個部分組成:學科內容知識、課程知識、一般性教學知識、學生知識、教師自身知識、教育情景知識、教育目的及價值知識和學科教學知識;在教師知識的來源上,教師“自身的教學經驗和反思”以及“和同事的日常交流”是他們發展自身教學知識的最重要的來源, “在職培訓”和“有組織的專業活動”也是比較重要的來源,但是相比之下, “作為學生時的經驗” 、 “職前培訓”和“閱讀專業書刊”則是最不重要的來源;在教師知識應用上,闡述教師知識和教師教學決定的關系;針對新課程的改革,以及教師知識的轉換,闡述課程設計與教師教育的有關問題:最后對教師知識的未來發展進行了展望。
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