- shoot gall
- "枝" 英文翻譯 : branch; twig
- "癭" 英文翻譯 : goitre gall
- "梨枝癭蛾" 英文翻譯 : pear twig gall moth
- "枝槎" 英文翻譯 : stub
- "枝跗蜂科" 英文翻譯 : ibaliidae
- "支" 英文翻譯 : Ⅰ名詞1.(分支; 支派) branch; offshoot 黨總支 general party branch; 支店 branch store2.(地支) the twelve earthly branches3.(姓氏) a surname 支叔才 zhi shucaiⅡ動詞1.(撐) prop up; put up; hold 把傘支開 put up an umbrella; 用柱子支住平臺 hold a platform by pillars; 這柵欄該用東西支一支。 this fence should be propped up.2.(伸出; 豎起) stick; protrude; prick 門牙往外支著 with one's incisor or front teeth protruded; 支起耳朵 prick up its or one's ears3.(支持) support; sustain; hold up; bear 體力不支 lack of physical strength; too tired to go on doing sth.; too weak physically to stand it; 樂不可支 overwhelmed with joy; overjoyed; 她疼得真有點支不住了。 she could hardly bear the pain any more.4.(調度; 指使) order; send away; put sb. off 支嘴兒 order sb. about; 借故支開他 send him away on some pretext or other; 這事甭支別人了, 你自個兒去吧。 don't send anyone else, better go yourself.5.(付出) pay out; disburse 開支 pay expenses; 預支給他一個月的工錢 pay him a month salary in advance6.(領取) receive; get payment; draw (money) 透支 overdraw; 從財務科支款 draw money from the finance sectionⅢ量詞1.(用于隊伍等) 一支軍隊 a contingent of troops; 一支游擊支隊 a guerrilla detachment2.(用于歌曲或樂曲) 唱支山歌 sing a folk song; 一支鋼琴協奏曲 a piano concerto3.(用于電燈的光度) 五十支燭光 fifty candlepower; 六十支光的燈泡 a 60-watt bulb4.(用于細長物) 一支毛筆 a writing brush; 一支蠟燭 a candle5.[紡織] (紗線粗細程度的計算單位) count: 100 支紗 100-count yarn; 粗支紗 coarse yarn
枝癭的英文翻譯,枝癭英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯枝癭,枝癭的英文單字,枝瘿的英文,枝瘿 meaning in English,枝癭怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。