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  • celestial qi
  • chih yang
  • the supreme yang


  • Revaluation on technique criteria and effects of zhiyang point - needling for treatment of aching zoster herpes
  • Follow the road you will reach hk parkview and there are several hiking choices . one of them is continue to hike along the road to tai tam reservoir . rustic tables , benches , bbq sites , rain shelters and children s play equipment will be available and you can also enjoy the attractive countryside view
  • Based on the difference among those flora in guangdong province , the author draws a conclusion that the boundary between the " middle subtropic " and the " southern subtropic " in guangdong province begins at lianshan county ( 24 ? 20 " n ) iv at west , and ends at dapu county ( 24 ? 30 " n ) at east , and the boundary between the tropic and the " southern subtropic " begins at lianjiang county at west , pass yangjiang and then extend to the seaside of taishan
    本文認為,廣東省植物區系內部差異支持以下結論:廣東省中亞熱帶和南亞熱帶的分界線西起連山縣的24 20 n ,東至大埔縣的24 30 n ,廣東省南亞熱帶與熱帶的分界線西起廉江,東至陽江,延伸至臺山沿海一線。據此結論,古兜山位于熱帶北緣緊鄰南亞熱帶。


  • 至陽什麽意思:  1.  極盛的陽氣。    ▶ 《莊子‧田子方》: “至陰肅肅, 至陽赫赫。”    ▶ 《后漢書‧郎顗傳》: “熒惑者, 至陽之精也。”    ▶ 李賢 注: “熒惑, 南方火, 盛陽之精也。”    ▶ 宋 范仲淹 《乾為金賦》: “運太始之極, 履至陽之位, 冠三才而中正, 秉一...
至陽的英文翻譯,至陽英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯至陽,至陽的英文單字,至阳的英文至阳 meaning in English至陽怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。