請: request; ask靜: still; calm; motionless一: one让我一个人静一静: leave me be一静: clear静一: seiichi请静默: seelonce feenee; silence fini李一静: yijin li静一郎: seiichiro安静一点: be quiet冷静一点: cool it让…清静一会: leave 1田中静一: shizuichi tanaka百动不如一静: still is effective一动不如一静: moving is not as good as staying put.; better keep still than move; go farther and face worse.; it would be better to remain where one is than to make a move.; to take no action is better than to take any.; to try to do anything is not so good as to remain quiet大家安静一下: quiet先要冷静一下: no.when angry count a hundred夜深人静一片死寂: night was deand dead silence reigned everywhere伟大航路的平静一天: zl我得让自己冷静一下: i have to find my peace cuz夜很静一点响动也没有: the night was quiet and there was no sound of anything astir冷静一点事情并不象表面上那么糟: chill out. things are not as bad as they seem我想要一间安静一点的房间: i'd like a quiet room